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For this new blog, I am inspired to share an exercise with you that I have been practicing for a while now. I started practicing this exercise to free myself from the jaws of fear I have been increasingly experiencing as a measure to find peace, even during this tumultuous time.

The practice provided for me a sense of purpose that I was sending love to all those dear and near to me and those I did not know, who could equally benefit. With the hope that someone would receive the energy sent with the meditation and find the resilience to keep going.

It is an ancient practice that focuses on self-generated feelings of love, compassion and goodwill towards oneself and others, it is a loving kindness meditation. The traditional phrases of loving-kindness meditation are:

May I be happy

May I be healthy

May I be safe

May I live with ease

I have adjusted the words to find phrases that are most personally meaningful. I suggest you do the same and use words that bring these statements to life for you.

Once your meaningful words have been inserted to supplement the original phrases, you can then extend the loving kindness meditation to;

· a person you feel safe and connected to,

· then to a neutral person,

· then to someone you may have unrepaired rapture with and

· finally to all living beings

Below is MY variation of the loving-kindness meditation;

May I feel Divine energy flow through me at all times

May the nurturing and healing spirit of the Universe take residence in my body

May the protection of my Ancestors engulf me daily

May I live to connect with Humanity through hope, gratitude, love and kindness

May Nana feel divine energy flow through her at all times

May the nurturing and healing spirit of the universe take residence in her body

May the protection of her ancestors engulf her daily

May Nana live to connect with humanity through hope, gratitude love and kindness

May Buti feel divine energy flow through him at all times

May the nurturing and healing spirit of the universe take residence in his body

May the protection of his ancestors engulf him daily

May Buti feel connected to humanity through hope, gratitude love and kindness

May Dudu feel divine energy flow through her at all times

May the nurturing and healing spirit of the universe take residence in her body

May Dudu feel the protection of her ancestors engulf her daily

May Dudu live to connect to humanity through hope, gratitude love and kindness

May all living beings feel divine energy flow through them at all times

May the nurturing and healing spirit of the universe take residence in their body

May the protection of our ancestors engulf us daily

May all living beings live to connect with each other through hope, gratitude love and kindness

Upon completing my variation, I became curious and investigated what the first letter of each subject I was calling on spelled. It reads DUAH, when I looked up the word, I found that it means invocation in Islam. Needless to mention, I was very pleased and evermore inspired to invoke all the help and support available to us all.

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