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20Plenty with Hope

The challenging times we are living through undoubtedly compare to living through a period plagued by war, except this time, our nemesis requires far more different strategies and tactics than those required in war. That the enemy is an invisible sniper, makes this an even more challenging war than we could ever anticipate.

Einstein said “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. The difficulty that the pandemic has brought forth touches all aspects of our lives. It has been seen in the abject poverty that many of our people find themselves, which has been heart breaking. Many South Africans have been selfless in collecting money and food stuffs to reach out and help, we have found opportunity to demonstrate the human spirit, it is my wish that the resilience of the same spirit rises.

It has equally been felt in the depths of isolation we all feel by not being able to share our experiences with our extended communities. This makes it difficult for us to bear because as Africans, we are a communal people. The inability to mourn these losses together nor celebrate the gems presented takes its toll on us.

My experience has been that with the limitations and solitude brought by the restrictions there have been equally precious gifts that have showed up.

In such trying times, one common trait of resilience is hope. Having hope and using the time actively to do what is within our control can be a resource we use to cease the opportunity. For the first time in a very long time we have an opportunity to care for our bodies and health, not because we want to fit in a pair of jeans we have not worn in the past year or the beautiful outfit we only wore once because we bought it for a wedding. This time, we can do it to pay gratitude to our amazing bodies that have carried us through the worst of times. The bodies that have unwaveringly met all the needs we have imposed on them.

It is the season to honour and protect our physical and mental health, let us remember that our bodies and our minds are the source of where it all begins, and support our health by getting back to the basics. Eat whole foods that support optimal nutrition for the cells of our bodies, including at least one type of fermented food. Get the full spectrum of light from the sun when able, drink plenty of water, get in a walk to take in the clean air. Incorporate a spiritual practice, yoga, meditation, prayer, singing, anything that keeps your mind and heart relaxed and full of gratitude and reverence for all. The reality of our situation is that we cannot spend all out time indoors, life requires us to carry on living and in so doing, we may stand a chance to challenge the sniper.

In support of our health, I offer herbal tinctures that enhance total wellbeing, highlighting the philosophy of supporting wellbeing as opposed to treating ill health. The herbs can be used as tonics, to provide more long term and mild effect supporting the natural functioning of the body and its innate ability to self-heal. These are great at supporting our mental, physical health.

I have based my offering under 5 classes:

  • Immune boosters,

  • Colds and Flus,

  • Mental Health wellness,

  • Inflammation Care and

  • General wellness.

Below are a few examples 50mls sell @ R85 and 100mls @ R175

Please drop me a whatsapp text on 0787134937 to order.

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Sherell Diane
Jul 21, 2020

I am so happy that you are just doing it dear friend. May the heavens grant you many graces in your quest to heal.


Busi Ndwalane
Busi Ndwalane
May 30, 2020

Prevention is still better than cure!

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