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Evaluate and construct an action plan to address issues concerning the Internet and Digital technology overuse, abuse or addictive behaviors and lifestyles to all members of the family ( adults and children). Provide a support function on how parents can work with their children to manage technology overuse. A wide variety of treatment approaches and strategies that combine the best of traditional psychotherapeutic treatments along with newer, complementary approaches are employed. These assist in changing addictive patterns and compulsions, reducing urges and cravings, and regaining self-control and self-confidence.


In addition, workshops for children from 9-15 yr olds are offered over certain school holidays, a way of disconnecting from technology and reconnecting to life.

Technology Overuse


Support manages the mental health stressors caused by infertility increasing the probabilities of conception, this is done using varying treatment approaches some ancient, others traditional and certainly natural. Support is offered at any stage of the fertility treatment. 


Further, through a 10-week program, “hopeful mothers” are guided to take back control of their life, cope with your infertility in a positive way, and learn about lifestyle habits that can enhance your fertility and contribute to your happiness and good health for the rest of your life.

  • Face to Face session

    1 hr

    Price on request
  • Online session

    1 hr

    Available on request


Support of preemies to help them cope with the day to day psychological distress of having a premature child/ren, using evidence-based approaches. We recognize the delicate balance between caring for the newborn and tending to your won needs. We provide you space to explore issues, and your desire for direction and expert input, so as to facilitate joyful parenting and a secure, loving bond between parents and infants. 

  • Face to Face Session

    1 hr

    Price on request
Parents of Preemies
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